Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Penang A1 Chendol

For Durian lovers.
D24 Durian Smoothie- $3
I strongly recommend you guys to try if you have not.

This durian smoothie brought me an unforgettable feelings. You should try!!
There was once promotion which sells at $2 each (upsize), i bought 6 for my family and friends. They simply love it. (^_^)

The uncle and auntie in that stall ah... are sooo friendly. =D
Got 1 time, he told me that he sold 700 cups within 1 day (during promotion). Wow! Even people from the west, north, came all the way to Tampines, just to buy them. Amazing.

#01-190 Blk 822 Tampines St 81

Tel: 9851 9477

It opens at 11.30am. Closing at erm..... *i go and check*  *blush*

You can find them @