Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The HandBurger

Heard about 'The HandBurger' and it sounds interesting. So we went to give it a try.
On a Saturday, it was quite long queue man.. While queuing, we were given a menu to kill time.
We took a hard time choosing what to eat because everything in the menu looks so appetizing.
I ordered
Chicken Caesar Burger- $9.80
Also, i top-up $6 for both ice lemon tea and
Buffalo wings ($8.80)
When you top-up any side and a drink, it costs you only $4 or $6 (depending on sides which you choose.) As for drink, is either ice lemon tea or hot green tea. You can choose other drink but additional price.
Karyin ordered
The Works Burger - $11.80
which it's a popular dish. It contains beef. And I love her bacon. She top-up $4 as well.
Chunky fries ($4.80)
It's luscious if you dip the fries into the barbecue-sweet-sauce.
Lastly, Ah Leong had his
Original Burger - $7.80
And added
Onion rings ($4.80)
I dislike onion rings so much... for no reason! Thus, i don't eat that. *blush*

Don't you notice that all these 3 burgers have cheese?! So if you ask me which one has no cheese, I'm sorry, i don't know as i only tried these 3 burgers and it was my first time here. But not to worry.. in menu, there's details in every burgers.
Website: http://www.thehandburger.com

Overall.... okok ba.. but i don't really enjoy eating it. It's "hard" to eat when it is tall. So difficult that it's hard to cut. First impression, it's amusing. But when cutting, all the ingredients toppled and became messy all over the plate. *blush*
I need a guide like "How to eat huge burger?"

Best if you go for lunch.
Advantage: Cheaper
Disadvantage: To choose, only 4 burgers and 2 sides.

The waitress and the waiter seem blur while serving. It must be they are new. Understandable. Everyone learns new things.

The HandBurger is for gluttons. =p Burger is really giant and tall tat you have to open your mouth wide, triple triple triple wide.

1) 313 @ Somerset
Tel: 6509 6214

2) Raffles City Shopping Centre (new outlet)
252 North Bridge Road
Tel: 6334 4577

Opening hours:
Sun-Thurs 11.30am-10pm
Fri & Sat 11.30am-10.30pm


  1. You can go and try the burger shack near serene centre (the island creamery there). The burger there soft soft de, easier to bite. (:
    Gladys ((:

  2. Oh is it?? Ok, will try tat one day.
    btw, u think my teeth soo weak ah? wat soft soft?! =_= lol...
    thanks yea! =D <3
