Sunday, August 14, 2011

IOI Caf'e

Have u ever heard of it?
It seems new. The signboard and the ambiance caught my attention. Look so interesting tat we decided to give it a try. Morever, we were thirsty.
psps.... did not take photo of the bubble tea. Cos we were busy laughing. Thanks to tat bubble tea, making our face expressions went horrible. Thus, we laughed at each other lor. haa....
Face expression went horrible??? Yes! I had my pearl milk tea ($2.10) and the level of sugar is 50%. Guess wat? It's TOTALLY totally taste plain. -_- I drank 1/4 of a cup only. wo buay tahan liao (i cannot tahan liao.)... Seriously, drinking it made me feel like vomiting. No kidding.
My girlfriend went to buy another bubble tea from "Each A Cup". She's damn ass! So clever to pass IOI bubble tea to me. wtf.
Sorry to say that we threw IOI bubble tea-s away.
This will be my first and last bubble tea from IOI Cafe. OR should i try other? *scary*

Website:   (so creative!)
Among 3 outlets, we tried @ Holland Village.


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