Thursday, September 29, 2011

eat ate eaten in Malacca

For 2 days, we have been eating this and that @ everywhere in Joker Street.
But few makan are not from Joker Street.
Here we go.................
Bak Ku Teh - RM9
Including Yam Rice. There's pig liver & intestines. oh.. yuck!!! Really have no idea why some people enjoying these. Not only these, there are some meat, which is damn tender.. really soft tat u dun need teeth to bite. The soup is so marvelous. Yes, i only ate the meat and the soup. What an awesome breakfast!

Interesting about durian, which i have not tried before. 
They said: "Feel the different, you'll love it." 
3 pieces for RM5.
Unexpectly, the durian filling inside, is quite alot. And it goes 'yummy yummy yummy'..
Among all these 3, i vote Durian Crispy Roll as the best one. It's cold, which make me have a nice feeling. The other 2, are not cold.

Feeling thirsty and..... needed a place to sit and rest.
Yes, here we are... No air-con but a cooling place.
Ice Coffee- RM1.99 (promotion).
It's actually RM2. 1 cent only and i was given no change. Thus, it's 2RM.
This coffee ah...... *holy holy crap* Damn damn very very sweeeet.... I kept adding water water water. 
This laksa, you won't find it in Singapore. oww... Though i could not finish it, i miss it. Was bloated man. =( btw, it's quite spicy.
Karyin, can you go over to Malacca and da bao
 for me?

After laksa, eating this, shiok man. Coooolll........

Both laksa and cendol are at.....

which a malaysia friend of mine, recommended.
Waffle hotdog - RM3.50
Not bad as the waffles is crispy and yummy. But but... I don't taste any cheese at all.
"Grape" ice cream- RM3
Grape? I asked is it Grape? To double confirm. She nodded.
Bought it and it's totally not grape lor. Taste like YAM! Yuck, i hate yam. boo... *thump-down*
Thump-up for yam lover.

As you see the signboard,
2 sticks = RM5
1 stick = RM3
black pepper and bbq flavours.
The black pepper one, wah piang.. so salty. (*_*)
As for bbq one, which i prefer, is not bad and abit abit hot.

Next, was sooo looking forward to...........

Satay celup!!
There are only TWO satay celup shops in Malacca.
One of them is popular and was built long long ago. The other one is like "copycat" and quite new. Of course, we went to the famous one where there is a long queue. Though the queue was long but the waiting is worth it! 

RM0.80 per stick
They charge by the number of sticks. At the end of the day, we will given free drink. The boss concocted this drink. Awesome awesome! I want to go again!!! How nice if Singapore has one. =((

No air-con but we enjoyed eating and chatting.
Chicken Rice!
Half-chicken- RM9.50
Whole-chicekn- RM18
Rice balls- RM0.30 for 1 ball
Chicken is about the same as Singapore. Just that the interesting part is a rice ball. Cool hor?

Durian puffs
You made me feel high! The best tasted i ever had. Among all all durian puffs, i never had so much durian fillings in my life.
No wonder they mentioned that it's "Freshly made."
Price ah..... erm...... psps.... can't remember.. It's better not to say than the wrong price, right?

Licking durian ice cream, made me thirsty. 

Another durian!!!
Durian Cendol!!! Haa.... RM5
One word: Fantastic.

If i were not bloated, i wouldn't share with Karyin and will have the whole bowl for myself. Also steal from her. haa.. Okay, i'm bad.
Don't u realise in Malacca, we ate alot of durians hor?! I know we siao siao. =)
What to do? Durians in Malacca are super fresh.

It brought me unforgettable feelings.
They mixed with the coconut and the vanilla ice cream.

*gulp gulp gulp*
Finished within in 1 min. *satisfied*

That's the end of our stomach.

Malacca, i will visit you again.
27.08.2011 to 28.08.2011

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