Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A day in City Square (Johor Bahru)

Our lunch at:
I do not know what SDS stands for. Don't even know what does that means. 
Tom Yam Bee Hoon Soup- RM10.90
The soup is damn spicy lor.. I had no choice but to eat it. Cause it's nice to sip and the bee hoon is nice to chew. So hot that i drank 2 glasses of drink. *blush*
This dish ah, we could not finish it. Alot, you know!
Sesame Chicken Fried Udon- RM9.90
I enjoyed eating this. Simply nice to eat. This dish that can tell a thousand words.. However, there's oily on my lip. And oh yea, i love their vegetable, which i have never taste this kind before in Singapore.
Orea Cino Blended- RM8.90 (right)
Ribena Lime Soda- RM5.90 (left)
Both drinks aren't bad afterall. It satisfied us. =)
As for Ribena Lime soda: when you stir, of course...
it will become like this lah. Just tell you in case you're stupid. =p
It's @ basement 1.

Had 1 seaweed.
Wah piang......... sooooo saltly... *goodness* I will love it if they put less less salt.
Costs me at RM3.20
It's just outside SDS cafeteria.

Secret Recipe @ basement 1.
Chocolate Banana- RM6.50
My favourite!!!
Yogurt Cheese- RM6.50
Plain Water (2x)- RM1
Tot malaysia will not charge gst or service charge. But there is! RM0.70 (5%) for government tax. As well as service charge which is 10%. dot dot dot...
But still cheaper than singapore lah.. In spore, 1 slice of cake costs about $5-$6 lor.

Fyi, i'm not malaysian. Thus, i do not know about the opening hours and outlets. All these food are found @ City Square which is in JB.
Basement 1 there hor, got alot of cafes.
All in all, i enjoyed eating at cheaper prices. (^_^)

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