Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homemade Sushi

Those ingredients are just basic.
Bamboo mat
Japanese Rice
Add the vinegar to taste it better. And make it sticky too.
Have to wait for the rice to cool. Bad image for seaweed if the rice is hot.
Despite the fact that I have made these sushi for 3 times for this year, i still couldn't manage to get the rice correctly. =(
Japanese cucumber
Which is more ex than the original cucumber.
Fried Eggs
First time, made tuna sushi. When i tried, it was really bad. I should add more mayonnaise. However, some of my customers said ok-ok ba. mmm....
Required alot of energy to roll sushi. To make sure that it must be tight. Else, while u are cutting, all the ingredients will come out easily cause it's loosen. It will not be neatly afterall.
Serve with soya sauce and wasabi.
Wasabi yuck! I hate it. =X

You know what? At the end of the day, i forgot to take photo of my colourful sushi. -__-

Anyway, i know my homemade sushi is not perfect.
I remembered few of my customers mentioned that it is --> Dry!
mmm... will think about it of how.
Next, wanna try making California and corn sushi. Wish i know the real reason of why my rice isn't perfect.

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